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September 2024

Playstation Network is down due to a global outage

There is a worldwide outage affecting the Playstation Network. The PlayStation Network is down worldwide. Subscribers have confirmed that they can…

World News: Monday Night Football - Titans vs. Dolphins, Seahawks vs. Lions

Seahawks vs. Lions and Titans vs. Dolphins is the double-header open thread for Monday Night Football. If you're interested in the NFC West (i.e.…

Global News: Purdue Football Fires Offensive Coordinator Graham Harrell.

Purdue football fires offensive coordinator Graham Harrell after disastrous season-opening loss Indianapolis - Purdue University football coach Ryan …

Chicago Med kicks off its historic 10th season : World Stories

Chicago Med continues its momentous tenth season. In an interview with NBC Insider, veteran actor Oliver Platt (Dr. Charles) revealed that the first …

Letter from Rep. Higgins to EPA Administrator Tackson: Global News

Rep. Higgins' Attacks on EPA Administrator Unjustified Rep. Clay Higgins, R-Louisiana, recently used his power as a member of the House Oversight…

Global News: Ezra Sosa's Emotional Breakdown with Ana Delvey

After the premiere, Ezra Sosa, Ana Delvey's partner on "Dancing with the Stars," claims he sobbed in the restroom due to the negative f…

Unexpected new cause of diabetes discovered, and a simple cure

An unexpected new cause of diabetes discovered. Recent scientific research has discovered a new cause of diabetes. This changes our understanding of …

Why was Muhammad Ali accused of treason

Why was Muhammad Ali accused of treason? On January 17, 1942, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. was born into a poor family in Louisville, Kentucky. Named…
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